Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Wordsmith

The Google Maps, oh how you do me wrong…

I left my place to meet The Wordsmith with twice estimated travel time and hit no traffic. But The Google Maps doesn't seem to understand the distinction between N. Patrick and N. Henry, and I found myself driving 'round and 'round the same block, saying to myself, "I know it's here somewhere…"

After making that block three times, I spotted a cop sitting in his car, windows down. From three lanes away, I received directions from one of our uniformed protectors. (Much obliged, Officer. I believe today you also served.)

The Wordsmith was incredibly cool with my late arrival (only 6 minutes past the mark, but first-date tardiness is really inexcusable). He'd nearly finished his espresso by the time I arrived at the kitschy coffee spot he'd picked, so when he suggested dinner at the restaurant across the way, we went for it.

His thoughtfulness and courtesy toward strangers made me smile. When I told him how considerate I thought his actions, he shrugged and said, "It doesn't cost anything." The self-described Yankee has many a Good Ol' Southern Boy beat in the chivalry department.

Conversation picked up after dinner when we returned to the aforementioned kitschy coffee spot for dessert. Politics and theory and ranting about the faults of the world in general get this boy's motor running, apparently. I have little to weigh in with of the informed variety on the first and second subjects, but the third is right up my ally. And so it went.

In and out in two hours. A nice time, to be sure. The Wordsmith is well-spoken, educated, courteous, polite, thoughtful, and pleasing to the eye, among other things.

He texted me not too long afterward with a little self-deprecation and positive commentary on the evening. He didn't mention going out again, but I suspect he'll get around to it. If he doesn't, Lu's 4MP has a rule to address it: I must get in touch with him. (Barring creepiness, there's a two-date minimum on this here plan, y'all.)

So… The Mantris, The Mantris…