Tuesday, March 31, 2009

And, So, I Drank It

We imagined ourselves on the wild frontier, our powerful horses carrying us through deserts and mountains, across streams, away from one danger and into another. We were witches, concocting potions in the rain to wreak havoc upon those who'd wronged us. We were the President's kids, rebelling on motorcycles, dodging the Secret Service.

Our childhood play was thematic and never-ending. We adopted characters for each of our stories. When we bored of one, we moved easily to another, picking up about where we'd left off the last time.

Weekend after weekend, summer after summer, we cycled through our favorite adventures, throwing in plot twists and deviations as we explored the possibilities of our imaginations.

We lived on a house boat in shark- or alligator-infested waters, depending on our mood, the air. When the stars and constellations appeared in the night sky, we became aliens. As Dippers, we walked with our arms at odd angles, punctuating each footstep with a noise akin to that of a suction cup's release.

Our props were limited. Our bikes morphed seamlessly from snow mobiles to horses to motorcycles to lions or tigers or giraffes escaped from a circus train wreck. My parents' covered porch served as stolen yacht, secret prison, sinking houseboat, runaway train. The wooden jungle gym Father built was a castle, a casino, a tree in the rain forest, a military command center. We climbed to the roof of our shed and looked down from a snowy mountain, an abandoned water tower, a wayward blimp.

We explored the woods, darting into and out of the state park just on the other side of the railroad tracks before the rangers made their rounds. The open fields surrounding our house were just as likely battle sites as movie sets.

Kel was agreeable, for the most part. She did her best to stay neutral in the sibling spats YB and I so often tried to pull her into. She went along with almost anything and instigated almost nothing. Unthinking, really, is what she was. Not dumb. Just not bright.

Deep conversations were limited, but Kel did have a more serious side. Like when she talked about her scars. It had been her oldest brother's fault. He poured gasoline onto a bonfire. The flame traveled up the liquid stream and leaped over to her little body. Hers. Not his. The scars covered most of her stomach, parts of her neck, back and legs. She kept them hidden, mostly, and rarely brought the subject up.

Looking back, I realize that Kel had a much better grasp of the unfairness of life than I did.

Kel's Mee Maw and Paw Paw lived right next door to her. Their house was always cool and bright and quiet and spotlessly clean. Mee Maw made the best sweet tea you'd ever tasted. Paw Paw gave us snacks of bright red tomatoes fresh from the garden or huge, juicy, purple grapes from the vine.

In all our years of playing, I found myself inside Kel's house but a handful of times. The tiny square building looked unkempt from the outside. It had needed a fresh coat of paint for as long as I could remember. The steps leaned to the side and had two missing boards. The grass was always too long and littered with bikes and shoes and bottles and tires and whatever else didn't make it wherever it should have gone.

Inside, the place was dark and gloomy. The windows were covered with heavy-duty trashbags, probably to minimize the sunlight, since there was no central air.

Her father never seemed to leave. The monstrous television was always on and blaring NASCAR at top volume while her father chain-smoked Marlboro Reds and drank can after can of Milwaukee's Best.

Piles of things, stacked for years against the walls, the tables, the furniture, had edged gradually to the center of every room, leaving only slender walking trails of bare floor from one room to the next. In the kitchen, stacks of dirty dishes filled the sink, hiding the faucet from sight, and covered the counters, the stove.

Sweaty, sleepless nights in the dank house reminded me to say no the next time she asked me to sleep over. To suggest we stay at my place, in the cool air conditioning, where we'd stay up late watching forbidden movies and awake early to Stepmom making breakfast and eat warm biscuits and scrambled eggs in our bright, clean kitchen.

But we always stay at your house
, she'd remind me, doing a bad job of masking her hurt feelings. And so I'd give in. Prepare myself for those unpalatable sights, smells, sounds.

Friendship means trade-offs, after all.

One sweltering afternoon when our play led us nearer her house than mine, we stopped by Mee Maw & Paw Paw's for an ice cold glass of tea. When we saw they weren't home, Kel suggested we trek next door to her house to quench our thirst.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark of the oppressive kitchen, I glimpsed the critters scampering out of the skillet used, it appeared, to make Hamburger Helper. Chills ran up my sweat-covered spine, and I willed Kel to move faster.

She brought out two glasses and lifted the pitcher of tea, only to set it back down immediately. I found the reason for her hesitation --- three tiny roaches floating on the surface of the dark, strong beverage --- just as she swooped her unwashed hand down to fish them out. Without a word, she unceremoniously cast the pests onto the floor, poured us each a tall glass of the tainted tea, and began gulping hers down immediately.

I looked at her and at the glass intended for me. And I wished I had a good reason to leave. I strained to hear someone calling for me to come home. Desperately searched for an honest getaway.

When I didn't reach for my glass, she handed it to me, eyeing me sideways as she chugged.

Clutching the befouled drink in both hands, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself somewhere else. Anywhere else. But I continued to breathe the heavy smoke-filled air. My ears were still assaulted by the ear-splitting racing noises emanating from the next room. My overheated body still ached for a break from the airless, high-temperature humidity.

Kel's glass was almost empty, and she was regarding me steadily out of the corner of her eye. I knew she'd seen me see those bugs. And I knew she was testing me. Testing my friendship. And, so, I drank it.

I'd never tasted such a bittersweet concoction. Choking down that contaminated beverage on that intolerable day, we watched each other. And I knew that Kel knew I wouldn't be back to her home. Wouldn't be making trade-offs and compromises for her friendship anymore. Oddly, I could sense in her something akin to satisfaction in possessing the knowledge.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The 95th Percentile

Strauss’s Challenge has a web site. (Fancy that.) Some of the resources for the challenge are located on the site, so I got my quasi-neophyte self online and registered for an account.

First things first… Let’s begin with the Personal Profile Analysis!

Changing your life for the better starts with having an understanding of where you are today. The Stylelife Personality Profile Analysis will test your skills with women, measure your experiences in comparison to the national average, let you know exactly which of eight dating personality types you fit into, and tell you what you need - and how long it will take - to reach the next level.

So I fill out some forms telling the interwebz general information about:
- My love life: (Age; # of Distinct Intimate Partners to Date; time spent in serious relationships; etc.)
- My goals (Options include: increasing #/quality of sexual partners; losing virginity; finding woman for marriage; beco
ming a master seducer, etc. I pick Improving networking/business skills.)
- My beliefs (which could be more accurately titled “my social fears/behaviors/perceptions”)
- My learning strategies (desired timeframe; devotion to project; preferred learning methods, etc.)

I answer the questions truthfully, as myself. Not as if I am trying to be some dude.

And, the verdict?

My Stylelife Type:
The Observer Guy

My profile tells me that I’ve got most (if not all) of the tools I need to meet (and have) women at my fingertips. I’m smart. Perhaps even smarter than dudes who are more successful than the ladies. But I te
nd to be a fence-sitter, standing at the back of the crowd watching everyone else have all the fun. Sometimes I can’t even get the courage to leave the house.

Sounds exactly like me, doesn’t it? ;-)

Mmmkay. Now, for the rest of it…

Mating Success Indicator: 95%!!!

Holy Shit! If I were a guy, I'd be in the 95th percentile for my age group in the Likelihood of Spreading My Seed category?!?!

The MSI Chart shows how you compare to the rest. 50% is average.

I… I really don't know what to say. If I were a dude, would I get some kind of medal or something for fucking more people than all the other dudes I know? Umm... I think a speech of some sort is in order…

I’d like to thank the many late nights at my favorite college bar (R.I.P. – You’ll always have a place in my heart!) … and the Walk-Me-Downs. And my favorite (now retired) Gettin’ Lucky Skirt (You know you’re irreplaceable!) And, oh, yeah, all the menfolk who met me and subsequently stuck it to me. I couldn’t have done this without all of you!

Jebus. How the hell was that number calculated, anyway?*

But, seriously... that can't be right, can it? I've had sex with more people than 95% of the guys my age?!?!? I mean, I’ve been around the block, but I haven’t been around the freakin’ continent…

Oh, wait. They had to get that data from somewhere, right? I'm being compared to the guys who are on this site because they can't get laid on their own. Right? Right? Phew… For a second there, I was thinking... Well, nevermind what I was thinking…

But now I’m confused all over again. I’m in the fucking 95th percentile of Gettin’ Laid, and I’m The Observer Guy? Jebus! How much sexin’ does one have to do to NOT be considered a wallflower by the folks/’puters running the Stylelife Challenge?

* Apparently, my MSI was calculated like this:

My Age
– Average Age of Men’s Virginity Loss
= Remainder

– Years in Monogamous Relationship(s)
= Years Available for Active Dating

Unique Intimate Partners
Years Available for Active Dating
= # of Hookups per Annum

My # of Hookups per Annum
v. Average Person
(my age and relationship years)

See? Tolja. Very scientific.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Belle: The Nomad

Later this week, I'll be moving for the 24th time in my 27 years.

I'll skip the commentary on what that may or may not say about myself and my family and just give the general announcement that updates on my progress with Mr. Strauss's Challenge are on hold until I get my ass out of one crappy place and into another (less crappy?) place.

Oh, but that friend who inspired me to finally get off my ass and do this challenge business? Yeah, he already landed a date (and some additional dat
es). All with a hot foreign teacher chick, no less...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Clearly, I don't get it.

After years of smoking, I gave up my cigs cold turkey and haven't looked back. I know that even one little puff of that carcinogen-laced nicotine can re-open the door for all kinds of terrible things to be revisited, by me and upon me.

But these guys who come and are gone within a few months' time? For some reason, I seem to think it would be too hard to quit them cold turkey. No, I thinks in the recesses of my feeble mind. I need to torture myself every once in a while with a little drag from the cancerous ex-boyfriend stick. And they need a little torturous drag every once in a while, too. It'll be okay. Just a little every now and then never hurt anyone.

And so I don't cut off communication. I end things, and I'm all like, Why don't we stay "friends"? And they're all like, Yeah. We should stay "friends."

But the reality is that we're not friends. We never were friends. We met, we dated, we broke up, and then we agreed to maintain awkward, stilted, sporradic contact for the purpose of... what, exactly?

To come along and rip the scab off each other's nearly-healed wounds every so often?

Jebus. I'm one sadomasochistic bitch.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

That's a Lame Excuse for a Parable, Strauss

DISCLAIMER: Feeling extreme angst and moderate hatred toward males while writing this. Probably not giving it a fair chance. Definitely don't give a shit.

The Rules of the Game is actually a sleekly-packaged set of two books.

The first, the little white book, is The Stylelife Challenge, source of the daily assignments meant to mold a mere mortal man into that exalted being known as a Pickup Artist.

The little black book, The Style Diaries, contains stories from Neil Straus's many, many (many) hookups. I'm getting the feeling that it stands apart from his earlier PUA novel, The Game, in that it's almost an apology. Almost.

It's actually a pretty weak series of fabled stories meant, as I understood it, to be taken as Strauss's attempt at fleshing out the cliche, "With great power comes great responsibility."

So, hey, kudos to Strauss for trying in some small way to mitigate the potential damage visited upon countless women with this PUA business.

But if that is, in fact, Strauss's intent, I'm giving him a failing grade.

The book begins and ends with details from conversations between Strauss and his guru. In the preface, Strauss writes:

"I don't want to just offer you a self-help book and tell you that, if you follow it, in thirty days your life will be perfect. There's another side to the game: the destructive side. And, the more successful you are, the more you're going to rub against it."

Okay... So far, so good, right? I mean, you leave that kind of point-blank author-to-reader (mentor-to-pupil?) straight talk feeling like you're going to get some valuable, life-altering insight into why you should play The Game with caution, right? At least that's what I thought.

Unfortunately, the 11 stories illustrating the Rules of The Game fall incredibly short of the hard-hitting lessons I was expecting. Hoping for.

The stories are slightly pathetic and, somehow, simultaneously narcissistic.

I'll give you a synopsis.*

Rule 1: You don't choose who you fuck. Your penis does.
Synopsis: Strauss fucks broke down old broad. Old broad gets a makeover. Strauss thinks, momentarily, he's the Redeemer of Fuck. Then he's grateful to the old broad for teaching and/or giving him something I failed to grasp.
Belle's take: Your penis is stupid. And you're no Redeemer of Fuck. Get the fuck over yourself. She had a pee bag, for fuck's sake.

Rule 2: You're only as strong as your weakest link.
Synopsis: Strauss fails as wingman.
Belle's take: Boo-fucking-hoo. That guy wasn't even a good friend of yours anyway. And the chick you were supposed to bang was already knocked up by some other creep. So you and your boy don't get laid for one night. Get over it.

Rule 3: Game knows no bounds, geographical, religious, or otherwise.
Synopsis: Strauss goes to Muslim country. Gets played by Muslim broad.
Belle's take: Again. Boo-fucking-hoo.

Rule 4: Look before you leap.
Synopsis: Strauss fucks sisters (separately). Chooses younger, virginal one. Seems to think this action on his part, in essence ruined life of older, slutty sister.
Belle's take: Get the fuck over yourself. If that girl was going to marry a meth-head loser and throw away her life, she was going to do it (or something equally stupid) whether you fucked her sister or not.

Rule 5: You make your own reality.
Synopsis: Strauss meets women. Gets head. Has threesome. Meanwhile, Debbie Downer chick keeps herself down by generating negative self-fulfilling prophesies.
Belle's take: Maybe Strauss is onto something with the Debbie Downer chick. She seems to create a seriously negative vibe around herself and run people off. At least I'd want to run away.
But I'm missing exactly how Strauss and/or The Game fit into this scenario. He didn't make these women who they are. And, from his telling of the story, he didn't do much to make anything happen while he was with them, other than to show up and participate. So that makes him, what? A pawn in someone else's game? Poor, threesome-having baby!

Rule 6: Think positive, but have an escape plan.
Synopsis: A good little church girl falls in love with Strauss via email. When she comes to visit, he rustles up his conscience and manages to not take her virginity. Tries to let her down gently.
Belle's take: Good job, Strauss. Seems like you dusted off the conscience prior to the exploitation this time. Kudos. Really.

Rule 7: Obstacles can turn into the keys you need.
Synopsis: Strauss interviews old guy. Old guy's granddaughter is hawt. After much fancy footwork, Strauss manages to bang hawt granddaughter. Old guy bursts in on them in bed together and has a hearty guffaw. Strauss has bonding moment with old guy.
Belle's take: Old guy is a creepy, skeevy, disgusting man, obviously licking his lips while fantasizing about his hawt but untouchable granddaughter.

Rule 8: It's okay to let your emotions have a say every once in a while.
Synopsis: Strauss meets woman on foreign street, they let drunk guy "marry" them. Wait, was he a real priest? "Newlyweds"(?) form a "real connection." Strauss doesn't get her last name. Exalts fake, untraceable wife to pedestal. Randomly runs into and subsequently fucks fake wife a year later on domestic soil. Still doesn't bother to get her name.
Belle's take: Oh, come now. "The problem with 100% perfect love is that sometimes it's inconvenient."?!? Please. You told her a sappy "Serendipity" story to try to get into her pants, forgot your place, and started believing it yourself. What's convenient, really, is that neither of you could ever contact each other to see if this 100% perfect "love" could stand the test of, oh, I dunno, let's say a 24-hour period.

Rule 9: Without trust, there is no love.
Synopsis: Strauss really likes girl. Girl has pregnancy scare. Strauss suddenly remembers how clingy and jealous she's been of late. Realizes he couldn't possibly commit further to clingy, jealous girl.
Belle's take: While I agree with the sentiment of the actual rule, I think the story of Strauss deciding the relationship's inevitable, impending doom in the midst of this potential crisis (and subsequently, strangely, deciding to use this story to illustrate this particular rule) just highlights that he's an irresponsible creep who isn't ready or willing to face any consequences for his actions.

Rule 10: Temptation is a bitch.
Synopsis: Strauss, in a seriously misunderstood attempt to achieve some kind of enlightenment or clarity or whatever-the-fuck (He doesn't even know what he's looking for. How should the reader?), vows not to ejaculate for 30 days. Women come out of the woodwork wanting to fuck him. To torture him. Ever the considerate being, he offers his them his services, minus the final act. He has phone sex, he fucks women, he even attempts a threesome. But no orgasm for him. (Still not sure what the big deal is... Women have been managing this for untold ages...)
Until, that is, the 11th day. Then he just has to ejaculate during phone sex to salvage the ego of the woman he's had an entire relationship with OVER THE PHONE. The Lesson? If you're going to give up alcohol for Lent, it's probably best you don't hang out in the bar every goddamn night.
Belle's take: No shit, asshole. But what are you really telling your readers? Oh, that's right. Just look to the end for that answer... "I am an addict. I am a man." So, you're saying men can't possibly practice self-restraint because you have penises? It's not a choice; it's an addiction. Perfect! Instant absolution for every cheating man out there. You NEED sex. And not just any sex, but sex with as many women as possible. And so you shall have it. Thanks to your oh-so-helpful book, women everywhere get it now. You'll have no more pesky requests for monogamy from us. Promise.

Rule 11: You're probably going to die alone.
Synopsis: 1. She loves me gently, sweetly, patiently. I feel trapped. Must escape. 2. She loves me passionately, greedily, angrily. I feel trapped. Must escape. 3. Shit. I'm going to die alone.
Belle's take: Well, really, I think you said it all this time, didn't you, Mr. Strauss?

In the postface, Strauss is back with the guru guy, who ends up imparting what is, quite possibly, the only worthwhile lesson in the whole book.

It is essentially this:

You worked hard to become a successful Pickup Artist. If you don't want to die alone, you have will have to work just as hard, if not harder, to develop and maintain a life-long relationship.

Alternately, you can continue playing The Game forever and hope that last fling before you get your own pee bag is saddled with her own guilty conscience and ends up sticking around.

Your choice.

* The "Rules" listed here are merely bastardized restatements of Strauss's. I don't want any trouble from the plagiarism police.

Monday, March 16, 2009

But, But... I Want More

So, it'd been several days since my W.H.D.-filled* weekend.

Other than the occasional steamy scene flashing to mind at the more inappropriate times of the workday, I hadn't given him much thought.

I hadn't even cyber-stalked him. (Okay, there was that 5 seconds on Facebook confirming his name. But, then, zilch. Promise.)

Anyway, four days and change go by, and suddenly, there's a text from him. We exchange a few general pleasantries before I go about my evening plans.

Some time later, getting home from a couple hours of endorphin-enducing activity, I'm kind of high on life and thinking of my soon-to-arrive house guests. Wondering how long you can leave a singular encounter hanging before it permanently moves into the one-night-stand category.

Maybe the adrenaline is fucking with my head. Maybe it's the newly-free, unattached Belle remembering singledom can be seriously fun, given an equation with the right factors. Anyway, I send a thinly-veiled invite his way.

So... I just realized I have more free time than I'd anticipated... tomorrow night, the following morning...

Moments later, my phone is ringing.

W.H.D. is asking about my day, my week. And I'm asking about his. We're joking and carrying on like people who know each other. We are not talking like fuck buddies.

And the whole time, I'm thinking of LADirtyDisco's recent recitation of Samantha Jones' Hookup Rules, and wondering what she'll say about me engaging in such frivolous conversation.

Then, the tempo lags.

W.H.D.: So... I have to tell you something.
Belle: Okay. (I already know. Whatever form it's coming in, the result is the same. Our fling is officially a one-night stand. Goddammit. I want more hot, dirty sex with this guy!)
W.H.D.: There's no good way to say this, so I'm just going to say it... Ex-girlfriend, yadda, yadda, yadda...

He apologizes a lot, says he feels bad, tells me he likes me and never would've invited me to his place if he'd known this was going to happen.

And I'm wishing he wasn't saying nice things, making me contemplate anything beyond what I'd already determined would have been the course of this would-be non-relationship, were it to be. Wondering what part of the 'let's have fun and keep this casual' memo he missed to be saying what he is saying.

I tell him he doesn't need to apologize. Tell him I hope things work out with them.

I even mean it.

He says he hopes he still gets to see me... around. I tell him I'm sure he will.

And, unfortunately, I am absolutely certain of it. It would be far too convenient and neat if he just faded out of my life as quickly as he made his appearance, as permanently as he made his impression.

In the end, I'm out one perfectly good fuck buddy AND left thinking, wow... this guy is sincere, and nice, and he likes me, and his career is in the same field as my passion, and there might've been something there if things had time to go further...

Now I'm just wondering why he contacted me again at all.

And even pondering that just seems to point to the fact that he's a good guy. That he didn't want to leave me hanging, to find out he's back with an ex via a friend (or worse, in person at some inevitable future gathering).

Ugh. Apparently, all it takes is a little 'adios, Belle' from a dude to whom I'm relatively unattached to make me start weighing his merits and slip into gaga mode.

And then there's that nagging voice, planted and nurtured in me during my conservative, religious upbringing. Telling me I'm getting what I deserve for wanting 'bad' things. For being greedy and superficial and driven by self-satisfaction.

But, seriously, y'all. I'm out a perfectly good fuck buddy and have to add yet another one-nighter notch to my proverbial bedpost.

Fucking hell.

* Pun intended.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Game: Getting out of the Gate

As promised, I've begun Neil Strauss's The Stylelife Challenge: Mastering the Game in 30 Days.

So far, it's pretty innocuous.

The first mission for Day 1 involved some basic self-assessment. I'd say it's not a bad way for pretty much anyone to prepare for entering the dating world.

That was followed by some pretty sound advice about what Strauss has deemed a "limiting belief."

A limiting belief is something that you believe about yourself, or other people, or the world--and although it isn't actually true, the fact that you think it is holds you back from experience and success. Any time you tell yourself you "can't" do something that's within the realm of human possibility--that's a limiting belief.

Well, I can't really argue with the man there. Parents teach children essentially the same thing from a very young age. (See: The Little Engine that Could)

He goes on to give a few examples of common limiting beliefs and to counter those with "Reality." And I tend to agree with both his common examples and his methods of dispelling those beliefs.

I'll give you an abbreviated example.

Limiting Belief: Women are attracted to assholes.
"Reality": It ain't that women are attracted to assholes. It's that women are attracted to men who are (or seem) strong and can make them feel safe. (Belle's thoughts: Just so happens that most guys who accomplish this have a bit of the asshole thing going on, too.)

Anyway, after going through the process of recognizing and dispelling those pesky limiting beliefs, Strauss wants you to go out and, yanno, DO something. So the final challenge for Day 1 is to go talk to some folks. (Specifically, some folks you don't know.)

Mmmkay. Not usually a problem for me, but I can see where it'd be useful for a lot of people.

So, again. We're at the beginning, covering the basics. I'd imagine this is the kind of stuff that begins many of the target audience for a book about dating (shagging/marrying/what-have-

you) whichever sex arouses your libido.

So, onward we trudge. Day 2 to come!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Before my company moved, I was greeted each morning as I entered the building by our long-time security guard, Calvin. Serious in tone and manner, the 20-odd-year resident enforcer intimidated the hell out of me with his curt nod and grunted "Mornin'."

Then, one Monday as I was walking into the sun-filled lobby through the revolving door, still groggy from too little sleep and too much weekend debauchery, Calvin stopped me.

You're a pretty young lady, you know. Why aren't you married?

Oh jebus,
I thought, another one to hound be about my impending spinsterhood? I don't need this shit this morning.

Instead of voicing my opposition to his assumption that I should be married because I'm pretty or because my twenties are on the down-slope or because I have ovaries or whatever the hell his reasoning might have been, I bit my tongue and played along.

Oh, I don't know, Calvin. I guess I just haven't met the right guy.

His left hand snapped down to waist level, and, before I knew it, he'd pulled out his wallet. I've been married 25 years, he was saying as he showed me a picture of his wife. The way she was back then. Beautiful, vibrant, her eyes full of life.

I heard no joy in Calvin's voice when he spoke of his wife, saw no twinkle in his eye. Before me stood a man resigned.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Playing The Game

So, I don't know much about the pickup artist game. Just what I've randomly encountered on various blogs and some tidbits that come back to me now and again from a British documentary I watched a while back.

But I get a bad taste in my mouth when I think a guy's pulling PUA tricks on me. Because, obviously, I'm a big ol' hypocrite.

It's okay for me and countless other women to read countless books and magazines that tell us how to land the man of our dreams, but guys can't follow the advice of a guy who offers to help them with "approaching and attracting women of quality"?

Yeah, I know. Lotsa guys use this PUA business to put notches on their bedposts.

Heeeellllllllooooooo??? Belle? What are you, some kind of freakin' nun? Yeah, mmm, notsomuch.

So the other day I'm chatting with a friend/former lover who's lamenting his lack of luck with the ladies. We're both wondering what the hell is going on.

I mean, for all intents and purposes, the guy's a pretty good catch. He's got good looks, great hair, personal style, a respectable job. He's tall, he's fit, he's nice, he's funny, he's a good friend, he gets out, he has one of the coolest cats I've ever met...

And, yet, advance after advance meets rejection after rejection. Methinks it's because he's a little shy. A little slow out of the gate. By the time he gets to know a gal he fancies and works up the courage to ask her out, she's given up on him ever showing any interest and firmly placed him in the friend category.

So, anyway, I'm not in proximity to offer my buddy anything more than a friendly suggestion.

I tell him he should get Rules of the Game and give his advice a try.

Him: Is he that douchebag pickup artist jerk?
Me: Technically, yeah. But I don't think you HAVE to be a douchebag to play the game. Just seems most guys who do, are.

After a little more prodding from me, my pal agreed to get the book and give it a shot.

And so now I've told a perfectly nice guy to go out and get this book and start using its methos on women. The book which offers the same strategies that, given so much as a whiff, make me run in the other direction.

Did I trigger a course of action that will unleash yet another douchebag asshole on the unsuspecting ladies out there? Or are my fears of being a pawn in The Game basically unfounded?

I don't trust the propaganda of any secret man society. So I'm just going to have to see what it's all about for myself.

I bought the book months ago with the intention of reading and 'reviewing' it. Now's the time, I believe. I'm going to take The Stylelife Challenge and see if I can 'Master the Game in 30 Days.'

Monday, March 09, 2009

Don't Want No Short Short Tramp

I wasn't planning on getting online to date again. At least not immediately. At least not for a while.

But, knowing my technofanatic ex would be changing his status and checking up on my online movements, I did change my status in my seriously neglected (but never deleted) dating site profile. And that, of course, pushed me back into some kind of rotation, which triggered some messages, which I always feel bad for leaving unanswered.

Which is how I found myself on this site, trying to politely respond to some dude who seems perfectly nice in his message but whose screenname indicates he's got a fetish beyond what I'm willing to handle, when some other guy starts IMing me. (Damn those default chat settings!) I forgot how much blog fodder online dating provides.

70sTramp: that smile is trouble
Could be.
yeah you are trouble alright
And I bet you are, too.
: you know, I grew up with no Internet, computers, cell phones, etc.
It happens, I suppose.
I didn't have this method of meeting girls available when I was your age so I am trying to catch up
Seems like you're doing okay.
you got a 70s t-shirt in one of your pics
Yeah. I love that shirt.
yeah your profile really stands out
do you have a southern accent?
Depends on where you're from.
Brooklyn, NY
Then to you, yes.
Around here, people think not so much.
how do you feel about men being shorter than you are
what do you mean ?
Well, I like to wear heels. And I'm no Katie Holmes.
sooooo that means what?
that would make you a conformist you know
Well, I'm either a conformist or a freak. I like to think neither suits me.
Are you really 5'7"? Or are you a couple inches shorter like most guys on the interwebz?
oh a couple inches shorter of course, I mean shit, you gotta lie right?
and I am married with 4 kids but I gotta lie about that also
and bald
get with the program chickie
Hey, just wonderin'. I mean... Even tallish guys find a reason to lie about their height on the internet for some reason.
Like I wouldn't notice.
well let's go meet and you can measure me
Haha. Not sure about that one.
well either put up or shut up, ya know
That's a nice way to talk to a lady.
I probably pass you on the street everyday anyway, on my daily route of collecting bottles to return for deposits
A nice friendly chat and you're telling me to get with the program and put up or shut up.
in the 70s do you know what the saying was when we picked up a female hitchhiker?
"Gas, grass, or ass, no one rides for free."
And this is pertinent because? Am I hitching a ride with you?
I am messing with you hun, I am trying to see if I got a chance of getting a piece of your 27 year old ass.
Nice. With that statement, the answer is, of course, “Not a chance.” Have a lovely day! :)

I figured he was up to no good with the opening line, but the conversation really started spiraling when I didn't pretend dating a shrimp was going to be my thing.

Seriously, though... Sometimes you need a guy who's inclined (and equipped) to take you up against the wall while you're wearing those hot FMBs.

My guess? 70sTramp ain't that guy.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Starter Relationship? Check

Yeah, so... I'm getting flack from my real life friends for dating Boy Blue for almost 7 months and then being all casual like, 'by the way, we broke up.'

And I didn't even neglect the real life peeps like I did my Interwebz reading audience. So I suppose some of you who are still out there might be going
What the Fuck? Give me the dirt!

After the whole business started (details of which are conveniently archived for your reading pleasure), Boy Blue and I enoyed several months of the honeymoon variety, exchanged the L-word (BIG step for Belle. Like, HUGE.), did lotsa fun stuff, met each other's families, etc. and whatnot.

And then, as I'm wont to do after the newness of knowing someone wears off, I started getting annoyed by things. Small stuff at first, and then progressively bigger things.

Being that honesty and communication were such big deals at the forefront of everything, I went forward with my bitchin' and moanin' and laid down my complaints before the court.

In Boy Blue, I found an attentive listener, a man who was there to wipe away my tears and provide a shoulder to lean on, someone who never lodged his own complaints against me. What I did not find was someone who would engage when I was having these open and honest communications. Or someone who was willing to change or even compromise to address the issues I presented. (All of which I knew going in, to be perfectly honest.)

So... I
talked. He listened. And Nothing Happened.

I really have little bad to say about Boy Blue. I enjoyed the majority of our time together. Dating him helped me realize that there are honest and trustworthy guys out there, after all. I learned some things about relationships, developed a greater faith in my very own gut (as in, 'go with your gut, Belle'), and ascertained a few more criteria for someone I'm dating.

No matter how emotionally void this might make me sound, I'm also glad for the actual experience of having had a relationship. Now I can honestly answer some of those getting-to-know you questions without feeling like a 27-year-old freak who has never been able to find a boyfriend.

For some reason, I still don't feel right about revealing the nitty gritty details of our relationship in this forum. I also don't feel like I have any real reason to badmouth Boy Blue, even for the entertainment of the general public.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Twice Makes a Trend, Not a Tradition... Right?

It seems I'm inclined to break up with guys immediately following Valentine's Day. At least that's what the resolution of my last two relationships (and, arguably, my only noteworthy relationships) indicate. First I said Adios to NRA on February 16 a couple years back. And, more recently, I felt compelled to give Boy Blue the pink slip a mere week after the dread V-Day.

Oh, actually, no. Wait a second. Maybe this whole relationship ruin via St. Valentine bit started way back in my college days, with The Professor...

Okay, so he wasn't
actually a professor. He was really a PhD student, but he sure did like to lecture folks about (gag me) history and the like. And, okay, so we didn't actually have a defined relationship, per se. It was more like this:

For reasons that remain mysterious to me, I liked this dude. For reasons at which I can make a reasonably educated guess, this guy liked me only enough to drunkenly coax me into his bed on and off for the better part of three years. For reasons I'm too ashamed to admit, I found myself there more often than I'd like to remember.

When we weren't in bed, we had a tumultuous relationship, often punctuated by drunken arguments and periods of each of us pretending the other didn't exist.
But looking back on the whole affair now, I realize that the majority of the animosity surfaced as a result of how one bleak Valentine's Day played out.

Despite my utter lack of any theatrical prowess whatsoever, I somehow found myself recruited into my college's performance of the Vagina Monologues. I had a minor role and only had to speak a couple of lines in two different scenes.

About a week before the big day, I found myself sitting alone at the bar of my favorite and nearly-empty watering hole. The Professor strolled in and perched on the stool beside me. It was then we had an exchange something akin to the following.

The Professor & Belle: [General Pleasantries & Whatnot]
Belle: I'm going to be in a play.
The Professor: Really? Which play?
Belle: The Vagina Monologues. It's on Valentine's Day. You should come.
The Professor: I'll give you my vagina monologue.
Belle: Oh, don't be an ass.
The Professor: [Getting Louder] In fact, I've already given you my vagina monologue... a very specific monologue to a very specific vagina.
Belle: Fuck you.
Right... so... Yeah.

Anyway, on the night of the performance, I step outside before the play begins to feed my addiction to nicotine, and guess who I see? Yeah, that's right. It's The Professor. With a date on his arm.

So, of course, my anger makes my stage fright disappear, and, to this day, I don't even recall the actual performance. All I know is that The Pro-Motherfucking-fessor shows up at my performance -- the performance, mind you, to which I invited him and which he subsequently used to mock me -- with a date.
And to add insult to injury? The bitch hanging off his arm is fucking ugly. Hideous almost to the point of deformity. And dull as shit. No personality whatsoever. Seriously.

So, yeah, maybe it is a tradition, after all? Valentine's Day seems to have a way of bringing to light the shit things in a relationship (however loosely I might be applying that term...) that go beyond all the other shit I've been able to ignore.

Aw, holy hell...