Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Willing to Compromise

Boy Blue called me the day after we first met to ask if I would accompany him to his sister's out-of-town wedding in a few weeks. He said wanted to give me adequate time to buy a dress, if needed, and didn't want to extend a last-minute invitation.

I told him we could discuss it on our next date (which, after consulting our calendars for a mutually agreeable evening, we determined couldn't be for another week and a half).

In the meantime, we started emailing throughout the work day, and I ended up suggesting we get together for lunch, since we work near one another. We compromised on the time, and I picked the place. He met me right on time (love it), and we sat down for a decent lunch with a side of really awesome, kind of intense conversation.

I have never known a guy who communicates so openly. Nothing is off-limits, it seems. We ventured further down What I'm Looking For Road, with detours through What I'm Like in a Relationship Alley and What I Don't Want in a Partner Lane.

I'll sum it up like this: I think we're moving toward the same page.

I told him again that I want to date and that, while the possibility of a relationship is not completely out of the question, I'm not necessarily looking for one right now. I divulged my lack of experience in a significant (let alone healthy) relationship and reiterated my fear of commitment. He took it all in, asking pertinent questions and just generally drawing more out of me.

He volunteered an acceptable explanation of the multiple out-of-town invites. (He doesn't believe you really know a person until you travel with them, with which I wholeheartedly agree.)

And that brought us back to his five-date agenda. Those first five dates should be enough time, he holds, to determine most (if not all) levels of interest and compatibility. That includes the travel (again, hence the invites) and, of course, sexual compatibility.

Which is kind of a problem for me. Because, see, I've pretty much just jumped right into the sack with all the guys in my (big air quotes here) romantic past. And I've decided it pretty much just complicates things... Fosters emotions that I'm not sure would be there had I waited it out... Completely and utterly confuses me.

(So, there, I just admitted it: Belle cannot have sex like a guy.)

So... I asked how he felt about waiting for sex. His immediate reaction was of the no-way variety. But as I explained myself and my reasoning, I could see a visible change in his expressions and demeanor. By the end of it, he was assuring me he would never pressure me into sex and throwing his five-date agenda out the window. He's decided, he said, that I'm worth getting to know.

He told me he'd like me to be his girlfriend*, and that he was willing to let me take the time I need to decide if that's what I want, too.

So now I'm here trying to sort it all out.

  • Is dating around more important to me than a relationship right now?
  • Are the warm fuzzies I'm beginning to feel really for him, or does his professing to like me so much make me like him more?
  • Is he the only guy on the planet who communicates like this? ('Cause, let me tell you, if so... I'ma have to snag him up.)
  • Will I be able to keep my freaking legs closed until I sort it all out?

These are some of the questions that plague me...

* In future tense... he hasn't technically asked. Yet.


rachaelgking said...

Good luck with this one... maybe a night or two sans communication will help clear how you really feel about it. It sounds like you may be right, and it's just the fact that he's so different clouding your judgement...

Aileen said...

I can only go by what you've written so far, but I'm a little nervous about how fast he's moving (emotionally).

Yes, there are men that communicate that openly, but you can't rush emotional intimacy. He sounds like he's in a hurry to fall in love and you can't push that.

Be careful, take your time. Follow your instincts.

sasserstyl said...


For me the sexual thing is pretty balck and white - I know if I'm attracted to someone within a few seconds.

The deep connection/love thing takes time and a lot more than five dates.

And *talking* about these kind of things doesn't help because you both have an agenda. So you both speak in muddy half-truths.

I know I become the best spin-doctor on the planet if it gets me closer to my "goal" ;)

I "just know" when a relationship is working.

And frankly, such conversation is really boring, and I think most other guys would agree.

J said...

Lean towards agreeing with Aileen. Granted I'm a guy, and therefore it should be assumed that I'm emotionally retarded, but he's throwing an awful lot of stuff out there very quickly.

I think I'm pretty open and happy to discuss where things could/would go, but he seems to be in a bit of hurry to get some labels established for his relationships. That's usually a sign that he's trying to either protect himself from a past "injustice" or that he doesn't trust you to stick around long enough to see the real him.

Proceed with caution...

Jamy said...

I suppose it's possible to meet someone and be sure after one date that you want to be with that person indefinitely. Professing that desire on the first date? Talking yourself into it? Not advisable.

Belle, you are most certainly worthy of the kind of attention and affection this fellow is offering. However, why is he in such a big rush? You may be worth it, but how does he know?

More importantly, how do YOU know he's worth your time and affection?

Good luck and enjoy the ride...what else is there to do?

Carrie M said...

I agree with the general consesus here, and Jamy spoke quite well so I'll leave it at that. But I do have a question...if you don't want a relationship, why are you continuing to see this guy? I know WHY you want to see him, but he seems to want things you don't, but that thing is the elusive relationship. So why continue to see him? I know you're doing the math dating thing, but still.

And please, PLEASE don't feel like you need to sleep with him within 5 dates b/c he has some stupid rule. That's your call and if he can't deal, then see ya. Just remember what you want through all of this, not just him, and that goes for more than just sex.

Anonymous said...

I am going to go against the grain of conventional wisdom that has generally been expressed here. No rules, no timetables for that which inherently will never follow them. Sometimes you know in five minutes - not just if you are attracted physically - but just know. It is rare, and based on that which you have written, I do not think this the case here. However, I do think it possible to have a connection that violates and shatters every well intentioned rule one writes in his/her head. Yes, that type of connection has roughly the same odds as winning the PowerBall on Saturday, but somebody has to win and long odds didn't stop me from buying a ticket.