Monday, April 09, 2007

Being a Dirty Boy Trumps Being a Nice Guy

I met This Guy Saturday morning for yet another pseudo-date*. After me having a life interfered with his resistance to making plans the last time he asked me out, he wised up and asked me to reserve the day for him well in advance.

I have to give him props for stepping up to make plans for the day. He remembered I'd mentioned the regatta, so that was our first destination. We watched the races for a while, chatting and joking. He kindly lent me his hat and gloves, but the cold eventually drove me to request we proceed to Phase Two.

We headed down to the Tidal Basin to check out the sad, sad remains of the recently astounding cherry blossoms, wandered over to the Jefferson Memorial, caught some Flamenco dancing, then hopped on the Metro again. Phase Three commenced in the early afternoon. We picked up some movie** tickets in Cleveland Park*** before grabbing a bite to eat.

The day was good overall. I made it home feeling sort of exhausted but content.

Still no attempts at a kiss from This Guy, which I decided early in the day was actually preferred. See, there's an issue I hadn't noticed before. Perhaps I missed it because we've only met up for evening outings before.

This Guy seems to have some serious issues with dental hygiene. As in, when I noticed his teeth, I had to assume he's not a regular brusher. Yeah, um, gross.

He also failed (again) to wash his hands before our meal until after I mentioned it. Hygiene is important, people. There's just no excuse for any of this.

Travel Buddy said, "Never go out with This Guy again." When I began a weak assertion that he's nice and that I don't want to be mean to him, Travel Buddy interrupted. "Bad oral hygiene trumps being a nice guy."

He's right. Ick, ick, ick.

* I say "pseudo" because of the platonic nature of all our outings.
** My Grindhouse review: Mind-bogglingly stupendous. Deliciously awful. Freakin' fan-tastic. Don't go if you aren't prepared to be entertained by ridiculously cheesy and unbelievable movies.
** If you've never caught a movie at Uptown Theater, get your rear end down there pronto.


Pissed Off said...

I don't understand the lack of concern for ones dental hygiene. I mean come on, brush your teeth at least once if not more times a day. People, this is the first thing I notice about boys, teeth and eyebrows...... no yucky grill, and no uni-brow please!!!

LuLu said...

Ok, gross. That's all I can say. I recently ran accross a non-handwasher myself. When I ran into him at the bar and he would touch me, my friend would give me a hand wipe. Washing your hands is a must people. And proper dental hygiene runs a very, very close second. And at least you're finding this out before you let him anywhere near you physically. Me, not so much. Found out a little late.

Anonymous said...

....I have a confession to make.
I am not much of a handwasher. I wash my hands about 5 -10 per day at work, but outside of work - I want to build up the numbers of my manual fauna.

for what it is worth on dates, I wish we all adopted our 3yo handwashing habits. "Dont handwash until you can see what needs to come off your hands."

If i were in the Senate, that would be my healthcare proposal. I propose to boost the immune systems of all americans, by insituting a new handwashing policy. Germs make your body's defenses stronger, they are your friend.
A fringe benefit of my proposal is that it would save water, energy, and reduce 'antibacterial' resistant germs.

QS for Prez, WOOT!!

Belle said...

LuLu: Yeah, gross. *shivers*

Quick: Oh, Gross! Okay, seriously... I agree that obsessive washing could lead to weakening the immune system and whatnot. Check it:

The fact remains, though, that I do NOT want to put something in my mouth that's been touched by someone who has just been on the Metro and not washed his hands. (Both times I told him to wash his hands, we were about to eat some shared dish with our hands.)

Also, next time you and I play pool together, I'm SO not sharing my cue or chips with you. GROSS!

Belle said...

Pissed: Sorry I skipped ya, Babe. You're right on, of course.

Anonymous said...

Ha. I should have credited Carlin for my comments.

I take it that you would neither vote for me nor my health care initiative?
I will take my message across the land. I am guaranteed, the 3-10yo demographic

Belle said...

1. Always credit your source, man.
2. No, I wouldn't vote for you with that initiative. (You'd have better luck with the Christian Scientists, I believe.)
3. Good luck with getting the 3-10-year-olds registered to vote.

Anonymous said...

The teeth brushing thing is worse. Why? Because it makes their mouth smell too, and who wants to kiss a smelly mouth?!

And guys? You need to floss too. Most women's sense of smell is usually much better than yours and believe me they'll be more willing to kiss you if you have a clean mouth! (not necessarily verbally clean, but most definitely hygenically clean! :)