Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Wonderful Feeling

Know what made my day today? Going to CL and realizing I hadn't been in so long that I hadn't visited the site once on my (months-old) new laptop.

The only purple-'cause-I-clicked-it link is for apartments. Yeah, that's right, apartments.*

There was a time in the not-so-distant past when I would've gone through withdrawals if I didn't check the personals and whatnot every day or so. But it's been months, and I haven't even looked at the damn thing. Or really thought about it.

Yay me for kicking the CL addiction!

* Roommate and I are tossing around the idea of a move.


vvk said...

Thank you for rekindling my craigslist addiction. :-P

Pissed Off said...

yay, one addiction down..... (i won't count the ones to go.... i am a good friend, and i too have addictions) :)