Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What a Happy Ending

Last week, I realized I had poison ivy.

My first reaction was something along the lines of "shitfuckshitgoddamnmotherfuckshit." You see, I have a long, terrible history with the dreaded rash. Every summer for as long as I can remember, I have been plagued by that demon plant's poison oil. Apparently, one of the genetic endowments from Father was an incredibly high sensitivity to urushiol.

The first time I developed this rash, The Moms had no idea what it was. Since my legs were covered with oozing, puss-filled, bloody* wounds, The Moms covered them with opaque tights before taking me to the doctor. In August. In The 'Sip. The misery that ensued is one of my most vivid early memories.

Every summer following that, I managed to find my way to the nearest batch of the bastard plant and roll around in it. Well, that is, what I must have done if you listen to the medical gurus' dictation on the subject. They claim the rash doesn't spread. They claim you can't be infected by someone else's oozy, puss-filled rashes. They claim you only get the rash if you come in contact with the plant.

Now, I'm not contradicting the prevailing medical theory, but all I know is that I learned to spot mine enemy early on and avoid it like the plague. It didn't help. If one of my brothers got poison ivy, I did too. Even if we hadn't been to any of the same places in weeks and I only spent 10 minutes in the same room together after he had the rash. And, no matter what, the rash always spread. Just sayin'...

When I was checking groceries the summer after high school, I noticed the tell-tale fiery itch one night mid-shift. At the point of discovery, I had one little red rash about an inch long on my lower abdomen. By the next day, the fiendish plague had overtaken the better part of one-half of my body. I went to the doctor and called out sick. Believe me, with a rash like that covering your arms and face, no one wants to buy their groceries from you.

So last Tuesday, when I instinctively reached to scratch my arm, I recognized the fiery itch and stopped myself. Shitfuckshitgoddamnmotherfuckshit. Poison Ivy. FUCK.

Two fairly small dots butted against one another on my right forearm. To an untrained eye, they would likely appear to be innocuous little pimples. But if the years of recurring summer battles have taught me anything, it's to know what this rash looks like.

Immediately, my mind started racing. I thought back to the day before and realized I'd been scratching this same place
for at least 24 hours. Where the hell could I have gotten poison ivy?

No clue.

I braced myself for the worst, imagining waking the next morning to find the rash covering me from head to toe.

I can't skip out on training this week, the company has spent too much to send me. I guess I'll just have to deal with being hideously disfigured for the rest of the classes. It's not like I'm actually going to see this people again anyway... Right?

Fortunately, the worst never came. It's a week later, and the rash only spread to four more little annoying dots on my forearm. They're nearly gone now.

I don't want to speak too soon, but I think perhaps my super-sensitivity to this menacing little vine has abated as I've gotten older.

* Yeah, bloody. You try to keep a 4-year-old from scratching poison ivy, dammit.


J said...

"oozing, puss-filled, bloody* wounds" - You really know how to seduce the menfolk with that sexy talk...

Anonymous said...

oh thats terrible. poison ivy is the worst. i get it a lot too. so does my mom and one time we tried some "home remedies" to help her. we poured BLEACH on her poison ivy wounds. don't ever do this. terrible idea.

Randomness is Bliss said...

Very glad you are growing out of this "annual" outbreak. Sounds painful.
I know the angryness in this is because your mom dressed you in opaque tights..the poison ivy was just an added bonus.

Anonymous said...


Haha! Did you steal that from DeNiro?

I know someone who gets rashes from poison ivy just by looking at it. Poison ivy sucks donkeys balls.

Belle said...

random: You know it. ;-)

anon: Ooh, ooh! That's me! As a child I used to swear I could smell the plants. I was certainly wrong, but I still believe those fuckers send their evil vibes through the air at me.

(And, I dunno, did I??)

M@ said...

I grew up in the country. I'm not afraid of a little Poison Ivy.

I AM afraid of Smurfs, however.

Anonymous said...

You probably didn't steal it (but it does sound very "DeNiroesque" :)

But he'd actually probably say something much worse: go to this link and click on "Threat #2" http://www.ebaumsworld.com/soundboards/play/1892/

Belle said...

Oh, ebaumsworld. I'd forgotten all about it! (but now I've dirtied up the Roommate's sanctified computer looking at it, heh)

And now I'm wondering who in the heck you are...

more cowbell said...

blech! glad you didn't bust out in a bodyrash this year. My 3rd grade picture is a beauty, thanks to a nice rash of poison ivy across my face. That stuff's terrible.

M@ said...

It's not communicable, is it? The red, oozing puss?

Belle said...

mc: It is! Sorry your picture is ruined. :(

m: The doctors with their fancy science say no.

Ms☆Go said...

You have my sympathies...

I think the only thing that could possibly be worse would be accidentally picking one of those buggers to pee on in the woods or inhaling the fumes of them burning as my mom did a few years ago. It wasn't pretty. I tell you.

Belle said...

ms. go Oh, I've inhaled the poison fumes a'burnin'. Poison ivy in your throat and nose is so overrated. The peeing thing I did avoid, thanks to my super-acute awareness of my vicinity to the plant. But, damn, yeah. That would seriously suck donkey balls.

Pissed Off said...

Poison Ivy is ridiculous. I mean, why does it even exist? Is there any purpose for it? I am thinking no..... I hate that shit. It just pisses me off to no end. Did Potato Head gets any of your oozy, bloody puss like symptoms from shacking up with you?

John said...

poison ivy is no fun, I used to get terrible cases of it as a child, then I learned the wonder of Technu Oak & Ivy, it pretty much solved the spreading rash problem

danielobvt said...

Ugh, I hear you on this topic. Although unlike you I know where I picked up my latest batch (which got on my face.... though that is still better than some of my fellow soldiers who had it on or encroaching on a much more sensite region). Fricking army.... I knew I was doomed when I saw that every square inch of this field we were laying in was poison ivy....

Belle said...

D: An entire field of poison ivy? Ack! Freakin' Army, indeed!

Tanya said...

Actually, if you're working in a supermarket, you might not know that mangoes are part of the poison ivy family, and those of us who're really sensitive to poison ivy also react to mango skin-- but not as badly. :) Good luck.