Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Moving Blows Goats

Roommate wants to move. Her commute currently blows goats. Mine is about the same now as it was before my company moved, but our current location leaves some things to be desired. (Namely, a desirable location.)

I've looked at exactly one place. Roommate is currently out of town, so she's looked at exactly zero, but she found the one I looked at.

The house is old. As in almost a century old. It's got character and a yard and three bedrooms and is located across the street from a sweet little neighborhood park.

What it doesn't have is central heat/air or good insulation, which worries me but probably not enough to put the brakes on signing a lease. Going through winter in that house will probably suck balls. But I think winter sucks balls anyway.

We're trying to consider other options as well, but it's really tempting for me to just say yeah to this place. I fucking loathe this process.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. The moving/looking process really does suck (especially so in tight rental markets).

But one thing (the only thing?)that is good about moving is that (if you're anything like me) it forces you to evaluate whether or not you actually need all the junk you've been hauling around with you.

Good luck!

The Brooklyn Boy said...

Agreed. I have a place lined up, and the process still "sucks balls." PS great phrase. PPS Good luck.

Belle said...

Anon: Thanks! Fortunately for me, Katrina relieved me of the duty of hauling around most of the junk I'd accumulated. Almost everything in our house belongs to Roommate.

BB: I was thinking about it yesterday, and, with this move, I'll have moved 13 times in the last decade. THIRTEEN!!! That's ridiculous. I'm a freakin' vagabond.

Good luck to you, too, by the way. (That is to say, may your move be as easy as pie, Sweets.)

Jamy said...

I'm concerned about no central air/heat. Air, you can live without if there is good cross-ventilation and an attic fan, which is likely.

But heating bills can be murder in this area. I pay over $100/mo in the coldest month and I have a tiny place. We have gas heat. I'd have a serious talk with the owner about this. If you have gas (or anything) in an old drafty house, with an inefficient furnace, you could be paying $200-300 in winter just to keep it in the 60's.

Belle said...

Jamy: Yes, I spoke with one of the former tenants about the place, and she said they'd had a $400(!!!) gas bill a couple of months during the winter. They started using space heaters, which mitigated some of the cost, but I'm not sure how much exactly. Definitely worrisome.

Anonymous said...

i love moving ... but i hate the process of finding a place to move to. is that weird? todd and i are getting ready to move too, and i'm dreading the search but i can't wait for that NEW HOME feel! good luck with your search.

Pissed Off said...

well, i thing a little "tradin spaces" and home and garden would make this a nice place. I would just do the weather stripping as we discussed earlier. it isn't expensive, and it will probably save you a lot of moolah.

Anonymous said...

I too am worried about the issue of no heat & air, but I am more concerned about the scary basement door and the unruly looking backyard. Although it will be fun to cultivate a garden, the house still leaves much to be desired.
And I also think there will be bugs. Bugs heart Grandmas house.

Belle said...

h: Oh, don't get me wrong... I'm a total vagabond! I love the whole new place thing, too. The other day I was telling a friend that I love all the stuff after the actual move. Unpacking and setting up and making your space your own... that's the best! It's everything else that makes me want to kick puppies. (Not really. I love puppies. But, yanno...)

Pissed: It's a possibility. But it's a possibility that currently has my stomach a little in knots.

Anon: We've got to get you a name, Girlfriend! And, yes, there are bugs, according to former tenant. But not the roach variety. Spiders and ants I can deal with.

Anonymous said...

Spiders as well?! I'm never coming to visit. That in addition to the scary living room are enough to keep me far, far away!

Belle said...

TB: No! You have to visit if we get it. I'll make sure the area is spider-free!

M@ said...

An actual house. That'd be fun.

Belle said...

matt: It would have its perks. But we've pretty much decided to stay put for the moment.