Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oh man, you're screwing with my emotions here

Does anyone else get as excited as I do to get snail mail that isn't comprised solely of junk and bills? I was sorting through the credit card offers and shopping mailers today when I came across a card. Roommate gets cards all the time, so I automatically tossed on her pile. But when I glanced down a moment later, I noticed it was addressed to me.

My instinctive reaction was to think, "OOH! A card for me? Who's it from?? It's not even my birthday or anything. Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!" I was like a kid at Christmas. For about half a second. And then I caught the name on the return label. It was from NRA. What in the hell?!?

I opened it up and found a really thoughtful card and note expressing his condolences for the loss of my grandfather last week. My first thoughts were a rather strange mix:

Oh, how sweet.
Man, he really can't spell.
Jesus, Belle, you're a bitch! Cut him some slack on the spelling!
He's so much better communicating in writing than in person. So much might have been different if he could have just talked to me.
Could've, would've, should've... it's all bullshit!
Seems like he's really trying here.
No, seriously. How did I ever date someone who confuses "hear" and "here"? And "your" and "you're"?
I bet his sister told him to send me a card.
How do I respond? Do I respond?
How does he still have my address? I can't remember his. But if I keep the envelope, I'll have it.
He can be so sweet.
Why wasn't he this sweet all the time when I was with him?
What the hell am I going to do with his address, wait until next year and mail him a Valentine's Day package?

Still don't know what I'm to do or think about this. But I've got to run. Roommate gave me a pity invite to her date with Psychic Garbage Man tonight. Putt-putt, here we come.


Beakerz said...

i TOTALLY know what you went through. I f'n hate that! "Yay a card! Shit it's ****** company"

snail spam ugh!

Anonymous said...

Spelling and gramatical errors get to me too! You are not a bitch! After the ex and I broke up, I made a list of negative things about him. Poor spelling was on that list. I was really just trying to make sure it was a very long list. Hope putt-putt was fun!

Pissed Off said...

I loved the last part referring to sending him a V-day present next year...... classic!

Anonymous said...

bah. return the card, with a note attached. "thanks for the sweet thoughts, but I cannot accept this item from you"

okay maybe not...

I would prefer a bag of flaming dog poo, but you probably arent vengeful enough to do it.

Seriously? Send a thank you card back to him. (IIRC, you got rid of all means of contacting him?) He obviously wishes you well, and although he isnt boyfriend material (right now - or ever...) keep the thread alive.

It is my policy to surround myself with people who wish me well - he makes the grade in my book ;-)

NRA guy, counter-espionage agent.

Anonymous said...

PS: Psychic garbage man??
I bow in awe of your naming skills.

Belle said...

I IMed him tonight to thank him for the card. We've been chatting a bit lately.

I never wanted to cut all ties with him. I can't say I don't like the guy on some levels. I can say that he's not ready for a relationship (at least not one with me) right now, and he probably never will be ready.