Wednesday, March 07, 2007

On Birthdays: I'm it? Really??

Does it make me lame that I was actually excited to get tagged for a meme? Lulu, you made my day, and after dealing with the people at the passport office, I really needed it. Thanks!

Anyway, it works like this:

1) Go to Wikipedia
2) In the search box, type your birth month and day but not the year
3) List three events that happened on your birthday
4) List two important birthdays and one death
5) List one holiday or observance (if any)

For the events, I'm avoiding the horrible things that went down and sticking with the more pleasant.
1. 1930: Mickey Mouse comic strip made its first appearance.
2. 1968: Johnny Cash recorded the album At Folsom Prison (of course, live at Folsom State Prison)
Wait! I spoke too soon when I said I'd only share sunshine and daisies. I had to include this because it was the actual day I was born, it happened right here, and I'd never heard a word about it before now.
3. 1982: Shortly after takeoff, Air Florida Flight 90 737 jet crashed into Washington, D.C.'s 14th Street Bridge and fell into the Potomac River, killing 78, including four motorists. In a freaky coincidence, a Metro Rail train derailed, killing 3 people.

1. 1961: Julia Louis-Dreyfus
2. 1977: Orlando Bloom
1. 888: Charles the Fat, Holy Roman Emperor (Ha! Never heard of this guy, but Charles the Fat! Ha!)
2. 1941: James Joyce (I know I only had to do one, but Joyce also stood out because I remember loathing him while I endured suffered through A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.)


Apparently, my special day was the first day of the New Year on the Julian calendar and is still celebrated as Old New Year in Russia, Ukraine, and some other places. (I prefer British comedian Bob Mills' proposal that Jan. 13 is the day beyond which the penalty for wishing someone a Happy New Year should be death. Sounds like my kind of guy.)

Let's see... I'm tagging... Jamy


Jamy said...

I remember that plane crash in 1982. I was living in DC at the time and my dad was traveling for business. I was very worried about him! Bonus: the crash was due to icing and people were decapitated when the plane struck the bridge.

Happy freakin' birthday!

Thanks for the tag. I'll do it if I'm not too layz.

LuLu said...

The passport office is hell, so I'm glad I was able to make the day better. Plus, this is an easy meme because it requires zero thought.

Thanks for playing!