Friday, June 22, 2007

Wit and Whatnot

I got tagged last week for my second meme. Yay! I'd try for wit and whatnot, but the 2(.5) bottles of wine I consumed last night have severely infringed upon my abilities in that department.

1) Post the rules, then list 8 things about yourself.
2) At the end of the post, tag and link to 8 other people
3) Leave a comment at those sites, letting them know they've been tagged, and asking them to come read the post so they know what to do.

1. I have never been stung by a bee. As a result, I'm irrationally afraid of the little buggers. If you want to see hilarity, it's me knocking over chairs and such while running from a tiny little bee that's much less interested in stinging me than I imagine, I'm sure.

2. I once bowled seven frames without knocking down a single pin. Seven frames!

3. My mother doesn't always recognize my voice on the phone. She's my mother, for fuck's sake. It's not as if we're estranged and haven't talked for years or something. When I was younger, I called her at work every day. About three times a week she didn't know who I was. (I realize this is perhaps more about The Moms than me. Eh. Whatever.)

4. I think I'm about to enter a new career path. It's looking like it will involve technical training on the company's dime and time, of which I'm a fan.

5. Save the whole coming into the world thing, I've never been a patient in a hospital.

6. I have something akin to a freckle in the bottom of my left eye. It used to be shaped something like a cross; now it's more like a scalene triangle. The other day a woman in my office noticed it and asked about it. I've dated guys and/or known people for years who've never noticed it. (In case you haven't noticed, I tend to date shitty people.)

7. I drive a pick-up. It's a manual. I lost the spare tire almost two years ago. (Don't ask.)

8. I love shopping for shoes/buying shoes/collecting shoes. When I get a new pair of heels, I often have nothing to wear them with immediately. (Baby blue stiletto sandals with a rhinestone buckle, anyone?) In the past when this has happened, my various roommates have come home from work/class/banging the neighbor to find me strutting around in pajamas/jeans/gym shorts with my hot new shoes on, doing things like making dinner/folding laundry/cleaning out the litter box. I say all that to say this: I'd probably be barefoot all the time if I could. Illogical? Well, yeah.

I'm tagging Pissed, Brooklyn Boy, H, gn, Miss B... and Jamy! (Can't forget Jamy!) That's it, though. If anyone else is interested in playing, consider yourself tagged. (Eight is a lot to come up with!)


jen said...

did you see this?

Belle said...

Hilarious. That's totally me. :)

Unknown said...

there is nothing more satisfying than buying a completely frivolous pair of shoes. Except wearing them. My current favs are pink suede kitten heel peep toe sandals. Love, cheerful cynic

Pissed Off said...

i think i know the shoes you speak of.....

Anonymous said...

i never noticed the freckle....damn, now that I think on it, I dont know what colour your eyes are.

there are too many details in life, I hope that my exes dont think i was shitty because of my oblivious-ness.

*shrug* it is a guy thing.

Red Seven said...

Came here via Cowbell ... Loved this; very wacky and funny. Hooray for you about never being stung by a bee nor spent the night in hospital. I've done both; not fun. Boo on the shitty people to date ... I've had rotten luck myself until recently, and who knows; he might turn out to be a shitbag, too (but so far, he's pretty groovy).

Belle said...

jennifer: oooh! Fun, frivolous shoes. I like the sound of those.

pissed: I bet you do! I got them at my favorite shoes about 5(?!!!) years ago for like $7. I didn't wear them anywhere for about two years. I've only worn them out a handful of times since.

quick: I'm sure there are plenty of other things to make your exes think you're shitty. The obliviousness was probably just the icing. :-P (oh, and... Happy Birthday!)

red7eric: Thanks for stopping by! Good luck with the groovy boy. (I'm crossing my fingers for ya that' he's not a shitbag, too.)

vvk said...

You said "scalene triangle" and you know what one is. That's sexy.

As for shoes... *shrug* Shoe shopping for me is usually fairly simple:
1) Walk in to store and locate a shoe sales person.
2) Ask, "What shoes do you have in a size 15?"
3) Take in blank stare, or occasionally some laughter.
4) Leave store.

So shoes... *shrug*

ps. not sure how I got here...

Belle said...

vvk: Well, thanks for stopping by! (and kinda making me blush)

Good luck with the sexy librarians!

Pissed Off said...

by the way..... were you not born in a hospital?

The Brooklyn Boy said...

Hilarious that not getting stung has you scared silly. All about what you know, ha. And your mom not recognizing your voice is nice and quirky. Kind of like mine drunk dialing me from parties.

Good look on the tag - I'ma get on this tonight, I think.

vvk said...

enh... me being me... I won't do anything about the librarians. :-\

Belle said...

pissed: I was! Which is why I said, "save the whole coming into the world thing..." (Thought you had me, didn't you?? :-P)

bb: I wish my mom drunk dialed me from parties! That'd be so much cooler than her not knowing it's me on the phone. :) (Oh, and... congrats on your MILF... I think... )

vvk: Aww... that's too bad. (I'm plagued by inaction most of the time, too.)

The Brooklyn Boy said...

The occasional matriarchal DD is a highlight of those weekends. (And ... thanks? Ha. It was so random.)

Finally got around to the meme.