Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Short Story

<short story> NRA Guy is dating New Girl. Belle is, for some retarded, unknown*, fucking anger-inducing reason, upset by this information. </short story>

* Well, it's not entirely unknown, actually. Last week, in a drunken late-night message, NRA told me he loved me. That he was in love with me. Being that I'm a silly, silly girl (who has been talking to him since last month... I totally asked for this, I know), I couldn't stop myself from thinking all kinds of things. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Brie said...

Oh Belle, that's terrible! I'm really sorry. Hang in there!

The Brooklyn Boy said...

I dunno about "asked for it." You're allowed to be annoyed, even if it's with yourself. That was a douchey thing of him to do ...

Belle said...

miss b: Thanks. :)

bb: I'm totally annoyed with myself. And with him. And with New Girl, who just sent me a friend request on Myspace and then, thinking better of it (or realizing she accidentally sent it), rescinded it. But mainly, of course, with myself.

Jamy said...

Please direct your anger externally to NRA boy who is a total tease. (I would be annoyed with myself too.)

Hang in there.

NA said...

Aw, I'm sorry. That sucks and it's slightly painful, but I find it always helps to get over people when they're complete assholes. Easier than say, someone who strings you along and lies and acts like an asshole but then makes up for it through his manipulative, dark and twisty ways. Wait -- what?

Also, NRA? Be glad. Very glad.

Pissed Off said...

you already heard my thoughts on the subject, but personally i think this douch-tard did this to get the "one up" on you..... I feel that hje was wounded, and went out of his way to make sure you felt the same, even if it meant stringing you along for a bit to have it happen. You are amazing, and he knows it..... he has said it himself. I think deep down he is wounded by it, and felt the need to have you hurt a little too. You are strong, and you know what? He dwelled on your ass longer than you did his..... this too shall pass. Girls can't help but care, but don't give him anymore than you have already, it will just be taken advantage of. Men can be douchebags sometimes!!!!!

Belle said...

Jamy: I'm doing my best. Thanks!

gn: I know, right?

Pissed: I'm beginning to think more along these lines. Maybe when I get a handle on that, I will be able to direct this anger outward toward asshat instead of toward myself.

Pissed Off said...

smart thinking.... i knew you were my bestest friend for a reason! You did nothng wrong.... can't hate us for caring, even if it is useless, you know?

Anonymous said...

He does not know what he is missing...and for that much he does not know who he is fucking with.

I swear I shall set up an account soon, but you know I MUST comment on him being a waste of space. Ugh.

Belle said...

Lol... He just commented the other day on someone Roommate was dating being a waste of space. I think it's more appropriate for him though. ;)

more cowbell said...


Seriously. I mean, it sucks now, but 2 years from now, will he really matter in the big scheme? No. You'll be like, "Who?"

And ditto GN: blessing in disguise, honey -- so much easier to get over him now that you know he's an assclown.


Belle said...

Yeah, Fuck 'im!

Anonymous said...

Can you say TEASE?? Trust me, stop here and do not let it go any further. It's not worth it - the more you know now, the better it will be in the long run.