Monday, July 21, 2008

Back to It...

As a result of some recent and questionable decisions and behavior on my part, I feel now is the appropriate time to thrust myself back into the realm of dating.

I made a resolution this year to make healthy choices. So far, the most obvious result of this has to be (if I may toot my own horn) a rather remarkable physical transformation. While this more tangible change was (and is) definitely a big part of what I wanted (and want) for myself, I have deeper goals for my mental and emotional health.

My recent actions are difficult for me to swallow, but I'm working on using the experiences as those of the learning variety and moving forward and toward an overall healthier Belle.

In that vein, I hastily created a profile on a dating site this weekend and have begun the vetting. Stay tuned for more details...


Unknown said...

"working on using the experiences as those of the learning variety"

If only half the world had that attitude it would be such a much better place.

rachaelgking said...

Looking forward to the stories... At least you're sure to get some good laughs out of it!

M@ said...

Just don't join Adult Friend Finders. ;)