Friday, August 31, 2007

teh wrst spelr

The following is a random IM conversation from last night. Enjoy.

belle: hi. Who is this?
tehWrstSpelr: u happen to be on my buddy list and I wanted to find out the same thing too
tehWrstSpelr: lol
tehWrstSpelr: im thewrstspelr*
tehWrstSpelr: U?
belle: thewrstspelr?
belle: Belle
tehWrstSpelr: Yup
tehWrstSpelr: Hi Belle
belle: hi
tehWrstSpelr: R u in Dc?
belle: yes. how old are you?
tehWrstSpelr: im 28
tehWrstSpelr: u?
belle: 25
belle: did we talk before at some point?
tehWrstSpelr: i shd think so
tehWrstSpelr: did u post an ad on CL?
belle: good lord. Ages ago.
belle: Where are your words, man?
belle: You seem to have lost them in all this IM speak
belle: it's highly annoying
tehWrstSpelr: My bad
tehWrstSpelr: So whats up with u tonite?
tehWrstSpelr: Cant sleep?
belle: about to get to bed. just catching up on some stuff
belle: you?
tehWrstSpelr: oh k
tehWrstSpelr: cant sleep
tehWrstSpelr: so bored
belle: ah
tehWrstSpelr: u wanna sing for me?
tehWrstSpelr: lol
tehWrstSpelr: hahahaha
belle: sing?
belle: I think not
tehWrstSpelr: alrite
tehWrstSpelr: ure in Dc,rite?
belle: you already asked me that

* The name, obviously, is my doing. Not this clueless dolt's.


J said...

I love those random late night conversations. There are a bunch of people I have on my buddy list that I have no idea who they are anymore. I'm sure I talked to them at some point several years back, but removing them seems so permanent and final, I usually can't bring myself to do it.

None have asked me to sing for them as of yet, though...

The Brooklyn Boy said...

Haha ... I'm glad our first IM convo was more coherent than that. I quite thorougly enjoy being able to spell. That UNC J-School spelling/grammar test was a biiitch (though I've got a great story about my experience).

Belle said...

prslave: This fella got re-deleted. No wonder he didn't have staying power on the buddy list. Geez...

bb: I'm glad it was, too! Can't wait to hear that story over drinks. ;-)

Pissed Off said...

ummm, do you even remember who this was? weird man.....