Friday, August 24, 2007

Bloodsucking Bitches

The swampy, marshy southernmost regions of The 'Sip are year-round breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

There might be a few weeks of sweet reprieve from the vicious, bloodsucking pests in January or February, when temperatures occasionally dip low enough to kill off that 'other state bird.' Other than that, you've got no choice but to soak yourself in repellent before stepping outside and invest in Citronella products by the dozens when you're hosting a gathering outdoors. Fending off mosquito attacks is a part of daily life.

Stepping outside into the muggy air this morning, I lit my cigarette and joined a small group of smokers congregating in the designated area. A guy who reminds me of Letterman used his cigar to motion toward a mammoth mosquito hovering near me. That's a big one. A big male. Won't bite you. The males don't bite.

Another guy, one of the young hotties from sales, chimed in. But it has a stinger. So it still bites, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't have it. His know-it-all grin let us know he wasn't asking.

The cigar-wielding Letterman look-alike again said that only female mosquitoes suck blood, using it to nourish their eggs.

I exhaled, crushed my cigarette out in the black pebbles, and nodded farewell to my smoking buddies.

Age before beauty, isn't that how the saying goes? Letterman, even surrounded by his foul smelling cigar smoke, was right.

From The Wiki:

Both male and female mosquitoes are nectar feeders, but the female is also capable of haematophagy (drinking blood). Females do not require blood for survival, but they do need supplemental protein for the development and laying of their eggs. Prior to sucking the blood, they inject a mild painkiller, which numbs the host to the pain from the "bite" (Note: mosquitos do not actually bite).


Males differ from females, with mouth parts not suitable for blood-sucking.

Well, shifire and damnation! All those times I was covered from head to toe with the small, misshapen welts from the devil mosquito? Every single one of them was from a female mosquito? Those bloodsucking, traitorous bitches.


Anonymous said...

Only female anythings would give their victim's a painkiller before stinging the crap out of them. Maybe that's why there aren't more female on female violent crimes... we're too darn compassionate when we try to inflict pain. Although, I doubt Lorena Bobbitt offered her dear husband so much as a stick to bite one before inflicting her wrath upon him...

The Brooklyn Boy said...

Yeah. Bitches. My favorite mosquito trick is catching one while it's sucking and pinching the skin around it to increase the blood flow, thereby overfilling the bug with people juice and causing it to explode - sometimes after it's flown away, which is high comedy.

HeyPS I'm weird. I know.

Belle said...

aj: I love it. :)

bb: We're all weird, dear. Next time a little bitch is sucking my blood, I'll be sure to remember your little trick.

Jo said...

F*ckin hate mosquitoes. Whenever I'm outside no one else needs repellent.

BTW, I totally have to try Brooklyn Boy's trick as well. Serves those bitches right.

jen said...

i had no idear!

i grew up in connecticut and the mosquitos in maryland are ginormo psycho bitches compared to their dainty new england sisters. screening in our back porch was the best thing we ever did to our house.

(and love the cartoon! again. you outdo yourself with every post!)

Jamy said...

So, um, has anyone thought to tell the mosquitoes that the pain killer AIN'T WORKIN'!!!

vvk said...

What?!?! Didn't everyone know this? I thought everyone did.

AJ: I don't think you're interpreting things the right way. See, lots of blood sucking creatures inject numbing chemicals into their victims. They do this because they can suck a numb victim in peace, whereas if they did not numb their victim, they would get noticed quickly.

The analogy between this and women is just too easy to make... so I wont. :-P

Belle said...

jo: Eesh! I wish you much luck in the mosquito repelling.

jen: Aw, you're too kind, but I can't take credit for the cartoon.

jamy: Seriously. Would someone put out an APB in the mosquito realm?

vvk: Ouch. :-P

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn Boy weird is the new normal!

Belle this is a beauty, I think that squiter oughta taken a little juice from Letterman. Creeps me out.

Catholic Buddhist

more cowbell said...

ick, i just never understand their significance in the food chain. Flies either. I mean, at least bees make honey. All skeeters and flies do is bite people, eat shit, and spread disease.

That's one good thing I have to say about Seattle -- not many skeeters here.

M@ said...

Might white of them w/ the painkiller....