Monday, February 19, 2007

I suppose some tears are to be expected

So today was a bit harder. I awoke from dreams of NRA to find some texts from him asking if talking would do any good. I gave him the long version of “no,” asking what we had to look forward to if our relationship of three months had already required as many talks as we’ve had.

The texting continued for a while, and I told him I didn’t want us to be enemies. He said we weren’t.

Much later, I missed his call and noticed another text saying my things were on the stoop. He’d returned the gifts I’d given him. I probably deserved the spiteful move, since I’d done nearly the same thing* to him. He included a letter with the returned gifts, and I spent the next half hour wiping tears away. Obviously I’m not as tough as I like to think I am.

I still think it’s best we stop seeing one another right now. I won’t say I wouldn’t consider dating him again in the future, but it'd have to be so far away that we could start from scratch. At this point, I can't forsee him wanting as much with me. Either way, I know this move is for the best.

I think I’ll take a cue from Charlotte and give myself an adequate amount of time for recovery. By her standard that it takes half the length of time any relationship lasted to fully recover from said relationship, it should be a month to a month and a half before I’m ready to date again. In the meantime, I’ll keep you all updated on any NRA developments and try to come up with some other topics you might find interesting.

* I don’t consider our actions quite the same, since I’d returned things of his he’d given to me (old sweatshirt, etc.). The things he returned I actually spent time picking out and purchasing while I was visiting the Southern homestead. They were things I bought specifically for him because I knew he’d like them and because I wanted to let him know I’d been thinking of him while I was away.