Friday, January 18, 2008

I said I wouldn't say it...

... But d'ya know how I realized I'm getting old?

How was your birthday?
Well, I didn't take off any clothes, dance on any elevated surfaces, or make out with any strangers, so, all-in-all, it was pretty good.



Pissed Off said...

yeah, i did none of this either, but then again i AM older than you and i have an OLD man for a lover that is 1655.83 miles away....... as bad as having a bad hip from being too old and not being able to do the do, if you know what i mean!!!

Pissed Off said...

to clarify, i was not stating that either of us had a bad hip, but it was like that..... you know, old people and all!!! i got confused when i re-read what i wrote, so i was making sure you didn't