Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Forest and the Trees

Remember my Open Letter?

Yeah, well, that friend told me recently the letter could've just as accurately been addressed to the guy I'd been seeing.

It took me a moment to recover from the verbal bitch-slap*, but she was right. And now he's gone.

Sometimes you're just too fucking close to the situation to get any perspective.

That's why your friends are there to tell you you're being an idiot.

* Not a malicious bitch-slap, mind you. Just an informative one.


The Brooklyn Boy said...

Ouch. Always sucks to realize this, but is great to realize it, too. Everyone's an idiot sometimes. Just fewer times for the some of us. ;)

Jamy said...

Well that sucks. Big of you to take it well.

Let me know when you want to go drinkin'. ;)

Belle said...

bb: Uh huh. Sure. ;-)

jamy: Oh, after my trip to the 'Sip this weekend, I have a feeling I'll be in dire need of some good old fashioned drinkin' time. I'll ring you up. :-)

Pissed Off said...

he is a douche...... that is all! his loss anyway.